Sunday, January 16, 2011

   Behold. The Layout of a Thousand Hours! Yes, it literally took all night to make this. Okay, not really. But when you have a bad case of procrastination, it does. Revel in it. Drink it in. Be Jealous. Or not--that's cool too.

   As my first blog post, I am starting a section called "Currents". In this section, I will update what music I am currently listening to, the anime I am currently watching, or anything else I may be associated with at the time. Okay, let's get on with it.

Song: Metamorphosis 5 - KPM Music. This song makes household birds break bad in dance.

Anime: Fruits Basket. Yeah. I am still on episode 2/348223123123j342342, but I have two more days without school. We'll see what I can accomplish.... Don't look at me like that! Ye' of little faith...

Food: Fuji apples and peanut butter sandwiches with natural Skippy peanut butter. It's Jesus' gift to all the kids whose parents are allergic to cooking, in my mindset.

Rant: I am tired of vacuum cleaning set infomercials. Sure, get the oldest, most terrible actress, give her a normal, everyday vacuum and watch the unnecessary "excruciating" pain faces ensue when she has to carry the thing up the stairs. Lady, if your back was hurt that bad, you wouldn't even have stairs to climb. Get your old man to do it.

Worst Christmas Gifts 2010: I am very grateful for the many things I was fortunate TO recieve, but we all get those gifts that make you say, "what the heck?". For me, it was the spandex jeans from my Grandmother, the pink, plaid, size-too-small, push-up bra with a bow from my parents, and the fact that I received three of the same bath and body sets. Hint: Never tell different people what your favorite scent is. You tell them ONE scent to get them off your back and you receive that same, stinky smell from three different people... lovely.

   It is now 7:01 in the morning. I am going to bed. Because that's what normal people do at this hour... or not.


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